Outdoor and garden furniture: sustainability is the key word

25 | 06 | 2021

Sustainability, intimacy and comfort: these are the three guidelines on which the world of design and furniture is moving. The pandemic, in fact, has accelerated changes in lifestyle and work culture that were already underway, transforming the concept of living and changing habits and priorities.

The new home concept

Spending most of their time at home, people are committed to furnishing, decorating and making their living spaces more functional, relaxing and welcoming. In addition, confined by restrictions in our houses, we have rediscovered the need for a deep connection with nature, a typical desire of the human being, which crosses all eras and also distinguishes ours. This is how, to re-establish contact between man and the environment, the home becomes fluid and flexible, without barriers and well-defined boundaries, the outdoors is brought inside and the indoors outside, in a harmonious and balanced dialogue that makes the outside the house the real protagonist of the scene. Thanks to versatile, resistant and long-lasting solutions, outdoor spaces become the natural extension of internal ones, in a continuity of style, functionality and design.

Over the past year, the outdoor world has strongly returned to the limelight and, as the trend in the real estate market demonstrates, having a portion of nature per se has become a very sought-after privilege. E-commerce testifies to this trend, too: in fact, among the macro categories with the greatest growth in online interest, we find Furniture & Garden, which saw an increase of 190.5%.

The key word? Sustainability

“In the architectural project, natural elements such as vegetation, light, air and wood stimulate the senses and make a difference, in the workplace but also in the lifestyle: they improve physical and mental health, as well as productivity.

Sustainability is the main theme of our future and a social responsibility for any sector and society “. These are the words with which the Japanese architect Kengo Kuma describes the project “Welcome, feeling at work”, the new sustainable architectural complex of offices that is taking shape in Milan, in the Lambro Park area, and which is inspired by ” biophilia effect ”to create workspaces that combine personal well-being and respect for the environment with technology and digitalization. Sustainability has become part of everyone’s life and is a concept that involves all sectors and the entire production chain in the search for new materials, products and functions. In the management of business processes, we are increasingly careful to reduce as much as possible or avoid the use of harmful substances and to limit the waste of resources and raw materials. Even the current proposals for outdoor furniture, made with a particular focus on environmental impact and sustainability, are produced with the most innovative technologies, machinery that revolutionizes the working methods, improving the production process, facilitating the activity of operators, saving material and collecting data and parameters to monitor production.

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www.greenretail.it/il-mercato-degli-arredi-per-esterno-vale-5-miliardi/ kindof.ch/ecodesign/trend-arredamento-outdoor-2020-intervista-giulio-ceppi www.ilsole24ore.com/art/tra-dentro-e-fuori-arredi-pensati-l-interno-che-migrano-esterno-e- viceversa-AD2jwTWB
www.homimilano.com/news0/news/oltre-lo-spazio–nuove-opportunita-per-il-settore-dell-home- deco.html
www.homimilano.com/news0/news/fuori-come-dentro–oggetti-che-valorizzano-gli-ambienti- esterni.html
